After Abortion Support


Abortion Recovery

If you look around on the news or social media, you may have the impression that people feel ONE way about abortion. The truth is most people have a wide variety of emotions and thoughts on the topic. And for yet many others, these views have shaped over time whether it is because you experienced, or you watched someone walk through an abortion. It seems simple until it hits close to home. The truth is abortion brings about complex feelings for just about everyone, including men.

Believe it or not, how you think about this topic politically may not be consistent with what you choose. So many factors go into the decision. What is consistently true is that it is not an easy decision, the memory of it does not go away quickly and you may be reminded of this decision many times in the future.

Immediately or even years after an abortion decision, many women experience a variety of side-effects. These side-effects may arise days, months, or even years later.

After abortion experiences may include:

  • Recurring thoughts about the abortion
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Anger (if someone coerced you into the decision)
  • Feelings of regret, guilt, loss, anxiety or shame
  • Crying occurrences
  • Sadness around the anniversary of the abortion
  • Other addictive behaviors to numb any of the above feelings
  • Medical issues (especially if there were complications during the abortion)

This is not a complete list of post abortion symptoms, and not every woman who has an abortion will experience them.

However, chances are if you are reading this you may be experiencing them or someone you care about is, and you want to have a better understanding of what is available to you. You do not need to tackle this alone. And, just to be clear, it doesn’t matter who you voted for or what you think about the laws. In the space of abortion recovery, it can impact anyone, and help is for everyone.


There is H.O.P.E. (Healing Over Post-Abortion Experiences) for you-you don’t have to stay where you are! At Care Net our HOPE is for you to understand you are not alone. 

If you are experiencing any of these or similar symptoms, please contact us at 615-446-0701 to schedule your appointment with a trained, non-judgmental counselor in a confidential setting.

Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Many organizations are committed to providing accessible and affordable healthcare services, and they may work with individuals to ensure they receive the care they need, even if they don’t have health insurance or if their income is limited.

At our clinic, all of our services are free and confidential so you don’t need insurance. All you have to do is click or call to schedule. We can offer additional information for local organizations to assist in the application process to obtain insurance for prenatal care under a physician. Q&A on Pregnant Women’s Coverage Under Medicaid and the ACA

WebMD: Insurance When You’re Pregnant, FAQ

March of Dimes: Health Insurance During Pregnancy