Am I Pregnant?

A Girl looks worriedly at her phone


Your situation is not hopeless. You have options. Care Net Pregnancy Medical Center wants to help you. We care about you and are ready to walk with you through your pregnancy. All our services are free and confidential. We offer multiple kinds of support, designed to equip you to make the best decisions. Care Net is ready to help you. Just need to talk to someone? Give us a call!

So you’re pregnant, or think you might be?

The prospect of being pregnant can bring many mixed emotions. Feel scared? Angry? Guilty? Overwhelmed? Or… alone?  

Our Testing

When you need an answer quickly, Care Net is here for you. We offer a free urine pregnancy test that checks for the presence of HCG, the hormone that indicates if you are pregnant. The test is the same as that used in many doctors’ offices. It can detect pregnancy just three to four days after the egg is fertilized and has a 99% accuracy rate.

You might be pregnant if:


  • You have missed one or more menstrual periods
  • Your breasts are swollen and/or tender
  • You are nauseated or have had a change in appetite
  • You are tired or dizzy
  • You have to urinate more often
  • You have recently gained or lost weight


These signs and symptoms are not unique to pregnancy; also, you may be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms. It is important to be tested.

Learn more about pregnancy and how to calculate your due date —click here for more on our website.